Abstract: Web-based image search engines mostly rely on
surrounding textual features. It becomes
very difficult for them to interpret users’ search intention only by query
keywords and this leads to ambiguous and noisy search results which do not
satisfy users perspective. In order to solve this ambiguity in text based image
retrieval we used visual information of query image. In this project, we are
implementing a novel Internet image search approach where user is asked to
click on one query image with less effort and visually relevant images from a
huge database are retrieved. Our main perspective is to capture the users’
search intention from this one-click query image in following steps. In this
system, the user first submits query keyword. A pool of images is retrieved by
text-based search. Then the user is asked to select a query image from the
image pool. Images in the pool are re-ranked based on their color and texture
similarities to the query image. These similarities are computed using
Euclidean distance method. A query-specific color similarity metric and a query
specific textual similarity metric are learned from the selected examples and
used to rank images. These similarity metrics reflect users’ intention at a
finer level since every query image has different metrics.
Keywords: Content based image retrieval (CBIR), Color Coherence Vector (CCV), Texture Element Feature Characterization (TEFC), Pixels, Image, Cluster.