Abstract: Android is presently the world's most famous and generally utilized working framework in cell phones. It has increased colossal piece of the overall industry because of its open design and the prominence of its application programming interface in the engineer group. While the force of Android comes as its openness and simple to learn and execute nature. It clearly uncovered the gathering of an interconnected framework to a specific level of security dangers to the end clients. The expanded fame of the Android gadgets and related money related advantages pulled in the malware engineers, bringing about a colossal ascent of the Android malware applications. These issues could run from the customer side infusion, despicable session taking care of, broken cryptography, and inadequate transport layer insurance to uncertain information stockpiling. This study broadly covers different Android OS particular dangers and vulnerabilities.

Keywords: Android, Security, Threats, Vulnerabilities, Malware, Smartphones, Risks, Application, Developer.