Abstract: This project uses a biometric concept to facilitate the attendance system in educational institutes it uses the most reliable way of uniquely identifying students through fingerprint reading. Such type of application is very useful in school as well as in college for daily attendance. Through this application we can keep a systematic track of student's attendance. This project enables the easy way of maintaining class attendance with fewer efforts. In this a smart way of taking attendance is done without wasting paper and time. When teacher enters the classroom, the attendance marking will start. Computer software will start the process after inputting fingerprint of teacher. It will find the Subject ID, and Current Semester using the ID of the teacher or could be set manually on the software. If teacher doesn’t enter classroom, attendance marking will not start. After some time, say 20 minutes of this process, no attendance will be given because of late entrance. This time period can be increased or decreased as per requirements. Here, in this project we aim at designing a student attendance system which could effectively manage attendance of students at institutes, schools and colleges. Attendance is marked after student identification. For student identification, a fingerprint recognition based identification system is used. Fingerprints are considered to be the best and fastest method for biometric identification. They are secure to use, unique for every person and do not change in one’s lifetime. Fingerprint recognition is a mature field today, but still identifying individual from a set of enrolled fingerprints is a time taking process. Although we are using this fingerprint identification system for student identification purpose in our project, the matching results are so good that it could perform very well on large databases like that of a country like India. Now a days, every new day SOFTWARE are launched in the market. In today’s life Biometrics is been the most popular among people. Biometrics is the automated identification, or verification of human identity through the measurement of repeatable physiological, or behavioral characteristics. In Attendance Management System project our team got motivation from the wrong things done by the students to increase their attendance so this was making a lot of mis-confusion for the staff so to maintain this we came for a solution on this by taking attendance through their fingerprints.
Keywords: Biometric system, Finger print scanner, authentication, android mobile.f