Abstract: Covid 19 virus developed in the year 2019 and rapidly spread across the world by close contact of infected person of COVID 19 virus. WHO and most of the countries including India declared pandemic.
E-banking has become a boon for the society in this covid19 pandemic. It is easily accessible through internet facility in smart phones, computer, laptop, tablet and so on. E-banking has played an effective role during COVID 19 pandemic by operating completely electronically without exchange of tangible commodities to protect the people and maintain social distance. People are feeling completely safe and easily accessible in online transactions (like payments of necessary items(food and medicine), bills, recharge, investment, transferring fund, receiving payments, etc.)
Therefore, the purpose of this research is to search and examine the effectiveness of E-banking during pandemic.

Keywords: COVID 19, Internet Banking, Online, Bank, E-banking , Effectiveness, Banking Transactions

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2021.101001

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