Abstract: Nowadays robots are at a very perk and can be seen in every field, But the robots which are majorly used in Industries are of heavy body and large in size. As we know, when it comes to archaeological sites and rescuing people, we use heavy machinery to dig up holes and take off debris and skilled people who can effectively make the operation possible. So we have innovated a soft robot name “VINE ROBOT”, which is based on pressure and eversion process. Our soft robot is divided into three parts 1). Robot base, 2). Growing part, 3). Output device.
ROBOT BASE is made up of a rigid body, which is the stable part of the robot and contains all the circuitry of the robot. GROWING PART(tail) is also the part of robot base, Hence the tail’s one side is connected to the robot base from where the pressure is provided to the robot by the air pressure pumps, and on the other side of the growing part is called the tip where the camera and mic are mounted. And the third part is OUTPUT DEVICES where we will get the output response of the mic and camera.
Our project “VINE ROBOT '' is a pressure based device for exploring the site to remove such heavy machinery to dig up the holes and use less manpower. The main aim of the proposed project is to develop a light weighted, flexible robot with a compact working body which will operate at very low electrical power. Another aim is to design a robot irrespective of the surface, which can travel over fields, under water, over sticky and sharp terrain. Here in this model the pressure will be provided from the Air pumps which are available in the circuitry of Vine robot, using this pressure the growing part (which is of non-stretchable fabric) evert and the movement occurs in the robot

Keywords: Vine, Robot, Rescue, Archaeological Sites, Air Pressure pump, Eversion process.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2022.11566

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