Abstract: Addressing the escalating global mental health crisis, this project proposes "Mindcare" an AI-powered chatbot therapy system tailored to individual emotional states. Leveraging natural language processing and machine learning, Mind care offers personalized mental and physical activity recommendations, consultation support, and progress tracking functionalities. Methodologically, the project employs the knowledge Discovery Tools and exploratory case studies to evaluate chatbot interventions effectiveness. Data mining techniques uncover hidden patterns in mental health datasets, potentially reshaping treatment paradigms. Expected outcomes include enhanced accessibility to mental health services, early intervention, personalized progress tracking, improved quality of life, and reduced stigma. Mindcare's architecture integrates data processing, machine learning, and empathic user engagement, revolutionizing mental health assistance. Mind care aims to empower individuals to thrive emotionally and mentally, catalysing a positive shift in mental health care paradigms through personalized interventions and proactive support.

Keywords: Chatbot therapy, Natural language processing, Machine learning, Knowledge Discovery, Data mining Techniques, Intervention.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13525

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