Abstract: Mulching has a long history as a practice of increasing soil moisture, controlling plants, controlling soil temperature, and providing a microclimate for plants. To improve crop production, there are many ways to increase efficiency and reduce the amount of water needed to grow crops. But paper mulch (also known as agricultural film) is one of the best ways to cover the soil and provide necessary aeration around your crops.

There are many types of mulch, but plastic mulch is known to require less effort, so we decided to create an automatic mulch laying machine that also has a drip attachment. Moisture management in arid regions is important for crop growth. Covering the film close to the roots of the plant is to eliminate the growth of the plant and at the same time it can retain moisture and not lose soil, but this process will require spending a lot of money and time. Therefore, the "perforated mulch laying machine" will reduce labor costs and time and can complete the job of laying mulch and drilling holes in the ground at the same time.

 Mulching film laying machine consists of body, main machine, cutting machine, punching machine, drip ring and punching machine. The machine spreads the mulch onto the prepared planting bed along with the drip line. This will place the cover on the mattress without damaging it and also ensure the hole is the correct size. This product can be widely used in agriculture to grow tomatoes, tomatoes, melons and other hybrid plants. Reducing investment costs and mulch placement time by using the simplest method will not cause trouble for farmers. We can control it via Bluetooth using the DC motor, Bluetooth module, ESP 32 and IoT audio to monitor the temperature, humidity and battery.

Keywords: Mulch Laying, Punching holes in one way, Moisture and Temperature Management, perforated mulch laying machine.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13552

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