Abstract: The expansion and regularly expanding capacities of mobile phones, for example, advanced smart phones offer ascent to an assortment of mobile detecting applications. This paper studies over how an untrusted aggregator in mobile sensing can intermittently acquire fancied insights over the information contributed by numerous portable clients, without compromising the security of every client. Albeit there are some current works around there, they either require bidirectional communication between the aggregator and versatile clients in every collection period, or have computational overhead and can't bolster vast plaintext spaces. Additionally, they don't consider the Min total, which is truly valuable in portable detecting. To address these issues, we propose an effective protocol to acquire the Sum aggregate, which utilizes an added substance homomorphic encryption and a novel key administration strategy to bolster substantial plaintext space. We additionally broaden the total convention to get the Min total of time-arrangement information. To manage element joins and leaves of versatile clients, we propose a plan that uses the excess in security to lessen the correspondence cost for every join and leave. Assessments demonstrate that our conventions arerequests of size quicker than existing arrangements, and it has much lower correspondence overhead.
Keywords: Mobile sensing, privacy, data aggregation, homomorphic encryption
| DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13659