Abstract: Most educational institutions administrators are concerned about student irregular attendance. Truancies can affect students overall academic performance. The conventional method of taking attendance by calling names or signing on paper is very time consuming and insecure, hence inefficient. Geo-fencing based attendance system is one of the solutions to address this problem. This system can be used to take attendance for students in school, college, university and working places. In the present day scenario, every guardian is worried whether his/her child has reached safely or not. Therefore, the guardian is intimated by a Short Message Service (SMS) sent using the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) modem of the same. As per the report of Human Rights Commission of India, over 40,000 children are reported missing every year of which 11,000 are untraced. Kidnappers target victims most often after school programs. The system proposed in this work, utilizes the Global Positioning System (GPS) module for determination of the exact location of the victims.

Keywords: Attendance, Zigbee, GPS, Location, Tracking, GSM, Renesas Microcontroller, Security, Microsoft Visual Studio, Database.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2018.7634

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