Abstract: Plagiarism is an intellectual theft. It means representation of author’s output as self - contribution without mentioning reference or attribution. Plagiarism is considered as a fraudulent act which simply means forgery of someone’s fresh content by not paying any tribute. It is proliferated due to increasing access to multiple resources and simply using copy paste method. With the immense growth of internet resources new technologies and original ideas or innovative thoughts are available effortlessly due to which protection over such intellectual property is challenging, but important. Therefore, in this paper we delineate about plagiarism and then classification of plagiarism. We also discuss two main approaches- Exterior and Interior methods for plagiarism detection with their characteristics methods based on their grammar styles, lexical, syntax or Stylometric features. Further, literature analysis of various algorithms is described to find out their issues and challenges improvised scope of work in future.

Keywords: Plagiarism, Classification of Plagiarism, Textual Plagiarism Detection, External Plagiarism detection, Internal Plagiarism detection

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2018.792

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