Abstract: As seen in the past few decades, it is very common to observe the patient’s paper work at the hospital. Even though the same personal information is used, an unusual way to actually decrement the amount of these paper works does not exist. The development of mobile web provides development direction for medical industry and a new service mode. In this paper, we introduce e-health authentication system to obtain patient’s health record easily and securely in the local hospital and also to reduce the redundant paper work. One of the aims of this project is to use the dataset and machine learning techniques to predict the type of disease based on the symptoms and patient’s health report. A mail regarding login details which includes patient’s mail-id, secret key and symptoms is sent to the doctor automatically via email.  The doctor logs-in into the application where predicted disease and personal information of patient is obtained. Further the doctor sends prescription to the patient which is seen by the pharmacist with the help of mailed secret-key .Here, we describe an integrated system, developed for use by the healthcare personnel within healthcare facilities, adapted to all handheld devices .With our proposed scheme, we believe that it will improve efficiency in terms of the cost and time for the patient, hospital and the doctor and protect patient’s personal information.

Keywords: Healthcare System, Disease Prediction, Doctor Recommendation, Machine Learning

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2019.IJARCCE.2019.8508

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