Call for Papers

Rapid Publication 24/7

March 2025

Submission: eMail paper now
Notification: Immediate
Publication: Immediately with eCertificates

Frequency: Monthly


  Paper Format


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Conference – Special Issue

About Special Issue Call for Special Issues Conference Paper format
About Special Issue


IJARCCE (International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering) invites your Conference proceedings / Workshop papers to publish as a Special Issue.  The aim is to focus on publishing high quality research papers to help the scientific community furthering our goal to preserve and disseminate scientific knowledge.


It ensures high visibility and long-term archiving of the scientific events. Conference proceedings are accepted for publication in IJARCCE is based on peer-reviewed papers.  Our mission is to provide the most valuable publication service to the global research society.


from Computer Science, Information and Communication or Electronics

Benefits for your conference

  Open Accessible for Life time
      ü  Free access to all users
      ü  Your proceedings will be published in a Special Issue
      ü  Authors can receive an e-Publication Certificate
      ü  Short lead times. We will publish your proceedings online in just 6 weeks
      ü  Authors keep full copyright over published articles


The published articles indexed by
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Call for Special Issues

IJARCCE are inviting the Conference Proceeding submission for Special Issues that will occur throughout the academic year on an ongoing basis.  Proposals should find a specific topic, within the subject of the special issue topic.  From Institution or Industry – One or more people will administer the Special issue works as Guest Editors roll and they responsible for screening submitted or presented articles make sure the articles are original and well fit into the scope, copyright submission from concerned authors, and importantly effective communication with journal editors up to Special issue publication completion.

Submit proposal

Prospective Conference / Workshop organizers are invited to submit Proposal with details of:

»       Title of the Conference / Workshop:
»       Name of Institution / Company:
»       Organizers(s):
…………… Name, affiliation, address, contact numbers with e-mail id
»       Expected number of papers to be submitted:
»       Tentative list of program committee members:
…………… Name, affiliation, country with e-mail id
»       Your Conference / Workshop brochure and web address:

E-mail your proposal to

Guest Editors

The Guest Editors will be responsible for the whole content of the Special Issue as per journals criteria or constraints. The Guest Editors must well-known or well associated researchers in the domain of the special issue topic.  The team of Guest Editors should also maintain a good rapport with journals entity during the special issue publication process from beginning to the end of effective communication.

Chief Guest Editor
<Name, Affiliation>
<Institution name, City, Country>
<e-mail address><contact number>

Guest Editor 1
<Name, Affiliation>
<Institution name, City, Country>
<e-mail address><contact number>

Submission guidance

Guest editors must e-mail the papers as per our prescribed paper format of our journal special issue to review process.

Download  IJARCCE Paper Format-Conference
Download  IJARCCE Copyright Form

Submit Paper to along with filled Copyright form of author (mandatory)

Special issue peer review

All papers will be peer-reviewed after the regular reviewing procedure from our journals Peer review criteria.  Required reviewers assigned by the journal editor for the special issue purpose.  The respective reviewers will evaluate the ‘manuscript originality, potential contribution of authors, flow of research design, constructed contents in all sections, assuring adequate data (by means of equations, scientific notations, tables, figures, charts, references) in proper areas, conclusion and future scope’ of the paper.  Guest editors will receive a list of   “to be revised paper (minor or major revision necessary) manuscript id with reviewer’s suggestions, accepted papers list including rejected papers list” communicated by e-mail.

Accepted papers will be considered to include in the corresponding Special Issue, as per the approval from both guest editor and Journal editor.  The publication date of special issue will be decided by both entities convenience.

To receive further information or assistance, please contact

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