Abstract: The addresses of Internet protocol (IP) are essential resource for the Internet. An internet protocol l(IP) uniquely identifies every computer and device connect to the internet. Every device connected to the internet has an address. And each IP address uniquely identifies that device. The addresses are still assigned by using Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). IPv4 is the most widely used protocol on the Internet, and its address space is. applications and easy operation. IPv4 had been designed to cover all the network interfaces, however with growth of the number of devices (mobile, computer, server, routers, etc.) the reserve of assigned addresses is finished. To solve the problem of insufficient addresses, the IETF designed the next generation IPv6 protocol to replace IPv4, IPv6 has been deployed for providing new services and for supporting the internet growth. This study compares the key specifications of IPv4 and IPv6, contrasts IPv4 and IPv6 header’s fields, the structure of headers, explains advantages of IPv6 and disadvantages of IPv4, and why we are running out of IPv4.
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