Abstract: India is agricultural country where approximately 18% of crop yield is lost worldwide due to pest attack every year which is valued around Rs. 90,000 million. Large use of pesticides harms the soil, has acute toxicity to humans and animals, changes in pest status in agro-ecosystems, high cost of control practices, residue problems in environment, etc. Whiteflies are well-known harmful insects present on leaves of plant, excrete sticky honeydew, cause yellowing or death of leaves and harm the crop yield. The increase of whiteflies has been mostly relied on visual judgment by farmers. The visual judgment by farmers for density of whiteflies has been less accurate because of the different levels of identification skills. Also, it takes long time for detection of Whiteflies present on leaves in laboratory. Due to economic importance of crops and strong impacts of damage levels, detection of whiteflies at early stages has become important.In proposed solution, using android application, we are calculating affected area of plant and based on affected area we are calculating severity of disease. Also we will suggest treatment in Hindi for detected disease. Detection of plant diseases is an important research topic as it may prove benefits in monitoring large field of crops, and thus automatically detect diseases from symptoms that appear on plant leaves. Thus automatic detection of plant disease with the help of image processing technique provides more accurate and robot guidance for disease management. Comparatively, visual identification is less accurate and time consuming.
Keywords: Image Processing, Plant Disease, HSV(Hue Saturation Value), Machine Learning.
Divesh.B.Patil, Shubham.R.Darekar, Atul.R.Gaikwad, Tejas.S.Ugale, Prof.Y.S.Gite,"A Plant Disease Detection System Using Image Processing ", IJARCCE International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 13, no. 3, 2024, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.133125.