Abstract: Users of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have two options for obtaining 3D virtual reality: either in the form of a 3D or 2.5D software like Skyline software as a development platform, or in the form of a 2D professional platform like ArcGIS software to generate the virtual reality through secondary development. The virtual reality development tool used in Unity3D, a platform often used for game production. Initially, the study area divides the territory into four layers: landscape, buildings, vegetation, and transportation using a hierarchical geographic information system procedure. In addition, GPS measurements are used to collect the raw data for the terrain layer. Second, using AutoCAD and 3ds Max software, all geographical elements connected to various layers are transformed into 3D models. Thirdly, in order to create Game objects and Scenes, the 3D models are imported into Unity3D and programmed using Javascript in the Visual Programming Language Editor. The Scenes are then combined and posted on the network. The study area may be accessed by downloading the ActiveX component, which updates the scene 60 times per second. The viewer is thus subliminally drawn into the virtual environment, encouraging spontaneous observation and investigation. With an extensive customizable mode of operation, users may select how they want to explore and engage with the virtual world. Users can also utilize the keyboard's allocated keys to fully express their creativity without having an impact on other users. In this paper features of Unity is analysed and compared with other software’s.
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Unity3D, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), ActiveX Component.
Works Cited:
Dr. S. Sarumathi, Gokul M, Gokulavelan M, Shimar Roshan R S " A Review on Virtual Environment using Unity Software ", IJARCCE International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 112-117, 2023. Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.121115