Abstract: This check explores how Deep knowledge has battled the COVID- 19 epidemic and provides directions for future disquisition on COVID- 19. We cover Deep knowledge operations in Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Life lore’s, and Epidemiology. We describe how each of these operations vary with the vacuity of big data and how knowledge tasks are constructed. We begin by assessing the current state of Deep Learning and conclude with pivotal limitations of Deep Learning for COVID- 19 operations. These limitations include Interpretability, Generalization Metrics, Learning from Limited Labelled Data, and Data insulation. Natural Language Processing operations include mining COVID- 19 disquisition for Information Retrieval and Question Answering, as well as Misinformation Discovery, and Public Sentiment Analysis. Machine Vision operations drape Medical Image Analysis, Ambient Intelligence, and Vision- established Robotics. Within Life lore’s, our check looks at how Deep knowledge can be applied to Precision Diagnostics, Protein Structure prophecy , and Drug Repurposing. Deep knowledge has also been employed in Spread auguring for Epidemiology. Our literature review has set up multitudinous samples of Deep knowledge systems to fight COVID- 19. We hope that this check will help accelerate the use of Deep Learning for COVID- 19 disquisition
Keywords: COVID- 19, Deep Learning operations, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Life lore’s, Epidemiology