Abstract: Accidents remain a major health problem for children of all ages, in spite of attempts at prevention by industry, health workers, educators, and legislation. In order of decreasing frequency, serious pediatric accidents include moving- vehicle accidents, water-related accidents, burns, poisonings, and falls. Their cause, severity, and prevention will be considered, with future challenge. WHO: Shape healthy environments for children-the feature of life WHO Health Day -7 April 2003. One study that deals with the reported and observed practices of mothers of children 0 to 3 years old [n = 357] in relation to injury prevention. Prevention practices for falls, poisonings, burns, suffocation, electrocution, and drowning and car safety were studied following a developmental approach. At both ages unsafe behavior conducive to suffocation, scalds and car safety were reported in relatively higher frequency than for other causes of injury. A Study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program regarding knowledge and practice of mothers on prevention of accidents among toddlers in selected urban community area Bangalore. Assess the knowledge and practices of mothers regarding prevention of accidents among toddlers, find out the effectiveness of structured teaching program regarding knowledge and practice of mothers on prevention of accidents among toddlers, determine the association between the selected demographic variables with knowledge and practice score of mothers regarding prevention of accidents among toddlers. Evaluative approach and one group pre test post test pre experimental design was selected for the study. The study was conducted in Rupena Agrahara Area, Bommanahalli, in Bangalore. The population of the study was mothers of toddlers in selected urban community area at Bangalore. Content validity of the tool was obtained from seven experts and the reliability of the tool was r=0.92. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select 40 mothers of toddlers. A structured interview schedule was used to know the knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of accidents. The data obtained were analyzed and interpreted in terms of objectives and hypotheses of the study by using descriptive and inferential statistics in term of frequencies, percentage, mean, standard deviation and chi-square test. The study findings revealed that in the pre test score the mothers have less knowledge score in all aspects the mean percentage in the pre test score is 31.67% with S.D. 2.6. in the post test score the mothers gained knowledge with the mean percentage of 73.33% with S.D. 2.6. The study revealed that there was an enhancement of the knowledge score in the post test. This indicates that the structured teaching program is effective in enhancing the knowledge and practice of the mothers regarding prevention of accidents among toddlers. On the basis of findings, it is recommended that a similar study may be replicated issuing a large number of respondents. It is also recommended that the other methods of teaching with frequent reinforcement be implemented for improving the knowledge and practice of mothers regarding prevention of accidents among toddlers and well-educated mothers could be expected to reduce the mortality and morbidity among toddlers.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Structured Teaching Program, Knowledge, practice, prevention, accidents, toddlers.