Abstract: This paper presents a low-cost flexible and reliable home monitoring and control system with additional security using ESP32, with IP connectivity through local Wi-Fi for accessing and controlling devices by formal user remotely using android smart phone application. This system is server selfgoverning and uses internet of things to control human desired appliances starting from industrialized machine to user goods. Home monitoring and device control system not only refers to decrease human efforts but also save the energy and time competence. To demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of this system, in this we presents a home monitoring system by using ESP32 module. It helps the user to monitor various conditions in the home like room temperature, gas leakage, water levels in the tank and person detection and control various appliances such as light, fan, motor, gas knob and take decision based on the feedback of sensors remotely.
Keywords: ESP32, Internet of Things (IoT), Wi-Fi network, PIR (passive infrared) sensor