Abstract: Usually data is quantitative, and the goal is to show it in diagrams, graphically, etc. One of the main ways to create understanding is to make comparisons between data. At its core, data perception is a way of communicating and making sense of information. The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that was discovered first near the end of 2019 has impacted nearly every factor of existence as we know it. This paper specializes in the occurrence of the virus in India. As people facing a global health crisis that is a major challenge, we look forward to accounting and information that can help us understand what's going on.
Visual storytelling is an important skill across the field. We should focus on visual media more now than ever before. We must position our emotions collectively so that we will all be part of the solution, by conveying stories that might be realistic, precise, and genuine. This is why we see the popularity of graphs that compare COVID-19 pandemic data from different states of India. Apart from communication, data Visualisation also plays a role in helping people change their behavior. Once the virus has spread, public health officials need to make critical decisions about how and when to talk. One of the most important things to do is to make sure that people change their behavior if it is not clear what they need to do now. Viewing data was very important for communication and persuasion.
We aim to use the inseparable relationship between people and the internet to create a sound understanding of the covid-19 crisis around the world and display it on a website in a sequential form.
Keywords: covid-19, Pandemic, Population, Data, storytelling, Pollution, Visualisation, Internet, Graphically, Website.