Abstract: A system and method for gathering all the project reports and automating the process of Academic Project Management. This system automates the approval of the project and provides a repository for collecting all the previous projects done in the previous academic years.A software application where the Academic project is electronically submitted and stored in the repository. Once submitted the team waits for the online approval of their respective Academic Project. The reviewers approve or reject the project. If approved the project undergoes subsequent project reviews and the reviewers may offer the comments. If not accepted this system is sent for revision.Project Status is tracked based on the automatic comparison of the subsequent project reviews.This system provides a network where the student, project guide, project Coordinator can share and exchange information remotely from one another. It automates the acceptance, reviewing and improvising documents electronically for online approval.
Keywords: Project, Intranet based application, online approval of project, project reviews, tracking status,Head of Department,Project Guide, Project Coordinator,Student.