Abstract: Safety, reliability and cost are the major driving factors for research in automotive applications. The current suspension systems available today prove to be a bit lackluster by compromising on either the ride quality or stability of the vehicle. By compromising stability, traction also gets compromised. Automotive suspension systems play a vital role in ensuring the comfort and safety of a vehicle. Our project proposes an adaptive version of the semi-active suspension system with a new design that focuses on cheaper production and better stability. It aims to tackle the above-mentioned issues by monitoring the conditions and determining the type of irregularity present in the road ahead, and reacting to these irregularities and conditions by pumping a specific amount of oil into the suspension system in order for the suspension to stiffen or soften accordingly.
The suspension system proposed by us displays the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IOT together that aims at improving the traction and holding the position of the vehicle to the surface of the road thus improving the stability of the vehicle, reducing body roll and trying to prevent motion sickness, leading to better riding comfort.
Keywords: You Only Look Once (YOLO), Canny edge detection, Euclidean distance and Morphological Operations.