Abstract: Robotics is the division of engineering which deals with the manufacturing, production and application of robots. There are many types of robots like Ariel, ground, wheeled, industrial, mobile robots etc. Spider robot is a type of ground robot capable of walking. Current status of this project is that our robot can freely move along all axes . Till now our spider can be controlled by a wireless control remote. The robot can be used for both indoor and outdoor purposes. The project’s main hardware includes ESP 32, IP camera and servo motors. This robot ideal case is to work according to our instructions like rotating in all direction for video surveillance etc. The robot can be regarded as a basic prototype for a robot which works according to our instructions or can make its own decisions, based on the sensors output, and then executes those decisions using servo motors to change the position or to move in a require pattern
Keywords: Spider Bot, ESP32 Controller, Face Recognition Application, Proximity Sensor, Intruder Detection.