Abstract: This research study, conducted in the year 2019, examines the adoption and effectiveness of AI-based chatbots in businesses banking, retail, IT, pharmaceutical, and ESteelCo. Using a multi-methods data collection approach including semi-structured interviews and observation and eliciting qualitative responses from 150 respondents, the design of this research is exploratory in nature. Many performance metrics were developed by this study, such as task automation rate, percentage of customer satisfaction rates, and reaction time. In the average response time, an overall percentage of 86.6% has been obtained. In the context of a solution for frequently reported issues during chatbot project development and suggesting a systematic approach to the implementation of chatbots, this study collects opinions of participants on the main characteristics of the chatbots. Results: The results therefore show that understanding customer needs, effective carrying out process analysis, and ensuring continued maintenance are core cornerstones for the successful adoption of a chatbot across sectors.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, AI Chat Bot, Implementing Strategies, Various Industries, Challenges.