Abstract: Geographic routing specially for location information based routing. It is mainly proposed for wireless networks and based on the idea that the source sends a message to the geographic location of the destination instead of using the network address. The existing trap array topology model that provides a unified framework to uncover the limiting behavior of 10 representative geo-routing algorithms. The problem with such a trap array approach is that it is doubtful to route the packet efficiently, the approach can guarantee that a packet will be delivered no more than 2 - 3 hops, need to add more hops to deliver the packet. No planarization techniques applied to avoid the high traffic link. It won’t detect the cross link if any traffic contains in that way while packet delivering to destination point. The proposed geographic routing algorithm, Spanning Tree Based On Greedy Distributed Routing (STGDR), this routing algorithm finds best shorter routes path and generates less traffic compare with existing location based routing algorithms. A multi hull tree designed based on multi spanning tree where each node has a related multi convex hull that contains within it the locations of all its successor nodes in the tree. Multiple hull trees deliver a way of gathering location information and they are built by convex hull information up the tree. This routing information is used in routing to avoid paths null path tree; instead that able to traverse a significantly reduced subtree, consisting of only the nodes with convex hulls tree that contain the destination node point uses new caring of multi spanning tree, which called multi hull tree, for use in networks where each node has an allocated coordinate. The experimental result shows the routing to avoid paths that will not be productive; instead it is able to traverse a significantly reduced subtree, consisting of only the nodes with convex hulls tree that contain the destination node point.

Keywords: Spanning Tree Based On Greedy Distributed Routing (STGDR), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Delaunay Triangulation (DT).

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2018.7633

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