Abstract: The abstract of an interactive computer system provided with a gesture-based virtual mouse and keyboard is for technology that allows users to control computers using hand gestures as opposed physical input devices like a traditional mouse and keyboard. This technique is based on using computer vision or any other sensor mechanism to capture the hand movements of the user and command them for moving a virtual mouse &keyboard, displayed at that screen in addition it may provide clicking functions too. The system uses gesture recognition algorithms which enable it to understand the users' gestures precisely from a distance making them operate different functions inside graphical user interface (GUI). The virtual mouse provides cursor movement, left-clicking and double-clicking functionality as well as clicking-and-dragging an object within the interface while the virtual keyboard lets users type in text or trigger special key-combinations.
The system was designed around the idea of providing an intuitive and natural way for interacting with computers, specifically in scenarios where conventional input devices are undesirable or impractical. It improves user mobility and can be useful when presentations, gaming or touchless environments are anticipated, if the end user is disabled due to physical impairments that make it difficult for him/her to use traditional means of input. With a combination of sophisticated gesture recognition algorithms, real time tracking and comprehensive user interface designs the system will attempt to offer an ideal all around experience for users.
Keywords: Machine Learning, GUI, Virtual mouse, Hand Gesture, Computer Vision.