Abstract: An analogue data logger (also known as a data recorder or logger) is an electrical device that captures data over time or in relation to location using either internal instruments and sensors or external instruments and sensors. They partially (but not entirely) depend on a digital processor or computer. They are generally small, battery-powered, portable devices with a microprocessor, internal memory for data storage, and sensors. Some devices can function independently and have a local interface (keypad, LCD). Some data recorders employ software to activate the device, view, and analyse the recorded data when connected to a computer. There are many various types of data loggers, from general-purpose devices used for a wide range of measurement applications to highly specialist devices used for only one kind of environment or application. Although programmability is often found in general-purpose types, many still operate as static machines with few or no customizable options. Electronic data loggers have replaced chart recorders in many applications. The ability of data loggers to automatically and continually collect data is one of its key benefits. In order to measure and record data, data loggers are typically turned on, deployed, and left alone for the length of the monitoring period. This makes it possible to monitor environmental factors like air temperature and relative humidity in order to provide a full and accurate picture.
Keywords: Data Logger, Microprocessor, Instrumentation, Measurement, Signal Processing, Programmability, Sensors.