Abstract: Due to the exponential growth in demand for broadband data, future wireless communication systems will require data rates in the order of 10 Gbits/s and beyond. Currently, as the lower portion of the RF spectrum in the range of 700 MHz to 6 GHz is crowded and limited in bandwidth, it is envisaged that future wireless systems must operate at the higher unlicensed millimeter wave frequencies where vast of unused bandwidth is available. However, due to the short propagation range of mmWaves thus requiring tremendous increase in the number of BS, Radio over Fiber (RoF) technology has been proposed as a major access network solution for future high-bandwidth wireless communication systems. Also, multipath propagation delay spread effects associated with mmWaves have made higher modulation formats such as OFDM etc. stringent requirements for future wireless systems in terms of SNR. Although several works have been done by various researchers at 60, 82 and 110 GHz (characterized with very high attenuation), the purpose of the work done in this paper is to demonstrate the transmission and recovery of a 100 Gbit/s transmission link through OFDM modulation at 75 GHz (characterized by low attenuation) for 5G applications. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first significant work utilizing such mmWave frequency. In this paper, mmWave photonic communication system operating at 75 GHz using LiNb MZM is demonstrated for fiber lengths of up to 35km. The performance of this RoF system has been compared with PSK and QAM encoding formats for both coherent and direct detection systems. However, this work importantly takes into consideration DSP impairment compensation in the receiver system. The performance of the proposed RoF systems is evaluated in terms of QF, BER and the received signal power. The proposed system is modelled and simulated using Optisystem 16.
Keywords: Millimeter wave, Radio over Fiber, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, Lithium Niobate MachZender Modulator, Digital Signal Processing.