Abstract: Currently, agriculture contributes to 20.19% of India's total GDP, yet this sector is most looked down upon when it comes to advancements, technologies, and providing benefits. As India is still a developing country, farming is done with traditional methods which are dependent upon the soil, climate, land condition, water facility, fertilizers, etc. It comes with its pitfalls like degrading soil quality, crop destruction due to unforeseen climatic conditions, and not enough/proper water supply. To prevail over these pitfalls of traditional farming, one such technique comes forward called Aquaponics. The term Aquaponics is coined from two words - Aquaculture (meaning raising aquatic animals such as fish, crayfish, snails, or prawns in tanks) + Hydroponics (cultivating plants crops in water was with no requirement of soil). Aquaponics is, therefore, a food production system that conjoins these two systems whereby the nutrient-rich aquaculture water bolsters the hydroponically grown plants using nitrifying bacteria to convert ammonia into nitrates.
Thus, this technique will provide us with crops as well as fish and is soil-less and uses less water, and less space. In this era of technology, this system can make use of IoT (Internet of Things) for its management and control with the help of various sensors to keep in check the different parameters of the system like PTT level, water level, temperature, etc.
Keywords: Aquaponics, Aquaculture, Hydroponics, IoT