Abstract: Machine learning models extract patterns from complex datasets, enabling accurate predictions and informed decision-making, thus accelerating drug discovery. Deep learning, specifically convolutional neural networks (CNN), excels in image analysis, aiding biomarker identification and optimizing drug formulation. Natural language processing facilitates the mining and analysis of scientific literature, unlocking valuable insights and information. The future of AI in pharmacological research is promising, with integration with emerging technologies like genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics offering the potential for personalized medicine and targeted therapies. Collaboration among academia, industry, and regulatory bodies is essential for the ethical implementation of AI in drug discovery and development. Continuous research and development in AI techniques and comprehensive training programs will empower scientists and healthcare professionals to fully exploit AI's potential, leading to improved patient outcomes and innovative pharmacological interventions. However, the adoption of AI in pharmacological research raises ethical considerations. Ensuring data privacy and security, addressing algorithm bias and transparency, obtaining informed consent, and maintaining human oversight in decision-making are crucial ethical concerns. The responsible deployment of AI necessitates robust frameworks and regulations. Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed pharmacological research through machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. These advancements have greatly influenced drug discovery, development, and precision medicine. AI algorithms analysed vast biomedical data identifying potential drug targets, predicting efficacy, and optimizing lead compounds. AI has diverse applications in pharmacological research, including target identification, drug repurposing, virtual screening, de novo drug design, toxicity prediction, and personalized medicine. AI improves patient selection, trial design, and real-time data analysis in clinical trials, leading to enhanced safety and efficacy outcomes. Post-marketing surveillance utilizes AI-based systems to monitor adverse events, detect drug interactions, and support pharmacovigilance efforts.

Keywords: Drug discovery, convoluted neural networks, machine learning, pharmacological research, artificial intelligence.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2025.14107

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