Abstract: Communication of individuals with speech deficits mostly depends on sign language which isn’t known to a large number of the general people. And generally it becomes tedious to communicate with a person having only the knowledge of a regional language. This makes different forms of effective communication very challenging. In order to solve this problem, we present an assistive device that converts hand movement into sound and text which can be spoken and read by the speech impaired person, thus enabling interaction with everyone and society at large. Such a system consists of a glove with flex sensors that detects change in resistance applied to certain hand gestures. All these signals are received by an Arduino UNO microprocessor which is programmed to understand these gestures and outputs speech based on these gestures with the aid of a text-to-speech TTS module. In order to make it accessible to more regional areas we used google-text-to-speech(GTTS) module.For making it available for more regional areas we used google-text-to-speech(GTTS). Moreover, the system can use the converted text for visual communication which increases the scope of application of the device. This approach uses recognition of hand gestures and text to speech synthesis to enable speech impaired to communicate in a cheap and efficient way. The device is easy and straightforward which in turn helps to promote diversity and improve the living standards of the users.
Keywords: Speech impairment, sign language, gesture recognition, flex sensors, Arduino UNO, Text-to-Speech (TTS), Google Translate API, LCD display, multilingual communication, assistive technology, communication aid, speech-impaired individuals, accessibility, sign language translation, portability, assistive devices.