Abstract: Many organizations and institutions manage attendance manually. Faculty record student participation in a log. As the world moves to the modern system, there is a need to track participation in the database. The use of attendance tracking and access control is essential to ensure high security in facilities such as schools. Physical access control systems are important for protecting internal systems. The system has a number of features designed to simplify and optimize the onboarding process. Teachers and administrators benefit from the simple method because they only have to sign the attendance of absent students, thus reducing the amount of money management involved. The system not only makes it easier to keep attendance records, but also helps manage student statistics and create reports for teachers and students to use. The attendance management program featured in this book is a versatile and effective tool that ensures accurate attendance records, encourages student participation, and improves overall learning management techniques in the school environment. Attendance management with this book is a solution designed to increase efficiency, reporting and communication in schools and ultimately create a quality education. This system is a Web-based developed to reduce the human work and will perform attendance in a more modern way.
Keywords: Attendance, Access Control, Tracking, Attendance Records, Database, Security.
Siya Shah, Dr. Vaishali Phalke, Shreyansh Gandhi, Omkar Pawar, Kushal Prajapati, "AttendEase: Simplyfing Manual Attendance Tracking", IJARCCE International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 13, no. 3, 2024, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13330.