ABSTRACT: Several people are suffering from temporary or eternal incapacities due to diseases or fates. For cases of hard or impossible walking, the use of a wheelchair is becoming essential. Manual or electrical wheelchairs are sufficient for most low and medium-level disability cases where patients can use the wheelchair helplessly. However, in simple cases, it is hard or incredible to use wheelchairs autonomously. However, in simple cases, it is hard or unbelievable to use wheelchairs independently. In such cases, wheelchair users often absent independent flexibility and rely on an important person else to switch the wheelchair. Researchers involved in a wheelchair are marking at designing smart wheelchairs to solve such problems. This paper is to review the new studies on smart wheelchair systems. It aims to evaluate the currently available technologies and to converse new coming directions for our current research plan.
Key Words: Smart Wheelchair, Health Monitoring System, IoT, Android App, Physically Disabled, Temperature & Humidity Sensors, Arduino