Abstract: Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. According to a recent study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), roughly 25% of the deaths among people aged 252 to 69 are caused by various heart- related issues. The most common diseases are cardiovascular disorders. Due to a shortage of professionals and a significant number of incorrectly diagnosed cases, a quick and efficient detection method is required. So we should have always leaped on vigilance and care approaches and methods to avoid folks working extra due to the guts attack. Machine learning techniques are frequently used to make disease predictions. Blockchain technology has the ability to prevent data leaks and fraud. It has the potential to improve patient-hospital coordination. The suggested method improves data security while reducing the cost, time and resources needed to maintain a patient’s data and outcomes.

Keywords: Blockchain, Healthcare, Machine Learning, Arrhythmia, Convolution Neural Network, Inter-Planetary File System.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2022.11594

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