Abstract: The financial services industry handles transactions amounting to trillions of dollars daily, necessitating a focus on cost-efficiency, transparency, and security. Cybersecurity is the biggest threat to this industry and Blockchain is the only answer to protect data in the growing FinTech space. Prior to the integration of blockchain technology, intermediaries such as money transfer services, stock exchanges, and payment networks frequently encountered cybercrime. Blockchain technology, initially popularized by cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, has since become a transformative force across various financial sectors. This technology enhances the industry by providing secure, transparent, and cost-effective transaction protocols through encryption and algorithms. This prose explores the significant advancements blockchain has brought to financial services, emphasizing its role in revolutionizing insurance, asset management, banking, and the stock market. With rapidly increasing use of LLMs in financial sector, blockchain is in the center of data protection and security for this industry in all directives.
Keywords: Blockchain, Financial Services, Cybersecurity, Data Protection, Transaction Transparency, Cost-Efficiency, LLM Security