Abstract: Abstract: Question and Answer (Q&A) frameworks assume an imperative part in our day by day life for data and information sharing. Clients post inquiries and pick inquiries to reply in the framework. Because of the quickly developing client populace and the quantity of inquiries, it is far-fetched for a client to discover an inquiry by chance that (s) he can reply. Additionally, charitableness does not urge all clients to give answers, also astounding answers with a short answer hold up time. The essential goal of this paper is to enhance the execution of Q&A frameworks by currently sending inquiries to clients who are able and willing to answer the inquiries. To this end, we have outlined and actualized Social Q&A, an online informal community based Q&A framework. Social Q&A use the informal community properties of basic intrigue and shared trust companion relationship to recognize an asker through fellowship who are destined to answer the inquiry, and improve the client security. We additionally enhance Social Q&A with security and productivity improvements by ensuring client protection and distinguishes, and recovering answers naturally for repetitive inquiries. We portray the design and calculations, and led exhaustive expansive scale re-enactment to assess Social Q&A in examination with different techniques. Our outcomes propose that informal communities can be utilized to enhance the appropriate response quality and asker’s holding up time. We additionally actualized a genuine model of Social Q&A, and examine the Q&A conduct of genuine clients and inquiries from a little scale true Social Q&A framework.
Keywords: Question –Answering system, text mining, Information Retrieval (IR)