Abstract: In this project i have created a website for the purpose of request and stock management For chemicals of the corresponding Departmnet. This Website is used to calculate The Stock Availability of materials used in the labs of the Respective Department. we can add the user data who maintain the stocks. it is easy for the maintenance than the manual records. Users can directly request the unavailable materials to the corresponding higher authorities through this website. users can also able to view the request status. the request will be proceesed based on the hierachy level. there are seven heirachy levels. the request letter can also get printed for the official use.
user can able to easily view the stocks. the data can be easily modified in the respective menus. a new item can also be added in the list. New features are added to this website to make the user more convenient to use. this website is just a runnable protoype for real time project were the website can be actually implemented and used in the real time environment. inventory management system plays a main role in the supply chain management system.