Abstract: Cloud computing is an important part of any small or large organization. With cloud storage service users can remotely store their data to the cloud and realize the data sharing with others. Data outsourcing possess the risk of sensitive data getting breached. Remote data integrity auditing is proposed to guarantee the integrity of data stored in the cloud. In some common cloud storage systems such as Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems, the cloud file might contain some sensitive information which must not be altered. This project proposes a novel privacy-preserving mechanism that supports auditing on shared data stored in the cloud. In particular, hashing algorithm are used to compute verification metadata needed to audit the correctness of shared data. A signature is generated for each file by the data owner and then it is uploaded. After a file is uploaded to the database by the data owner, the auditor re-computes it’s signature and compares with the local copy signature of the file in data owner side. If suppose an intruder or a user breaches the security and modifies the public cloud data, the Hashing algorithmisperformed, and the intruder or user is terminated from further accessing of the cloud data. This method ensures data integrity in shared cloud data particularly for EHR systems, much more efficient and less computation cost compared to the existing system. As a result, the data in the cloud are reliable and authentic.
Keywords: Cloud storage; Hashing Algorithm Auditing mechanism; Data Integrity; Storage Auditing