Abstract: The purpose of the doctoral study was to find out the differences of personality and of elite level Cricket and Football playersTwo groups were targeted . The 100 Cricket and 100 Football players participated in the study and their age ranged between 18-28 years. The players divided into two age categories between 18-22 and 23-28. The data was collected through questionnaires of 100 Cricket and 100 Football players . The instruction was given by the investigator to the students before filling these questionnaires. To measure competition related anxiety of the players Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT, developed by Rainer Martens in 1977) was used.No significant difference was found out in Anxiety of Cricket and Football Players. no significant difference was found out in Anxiety of Age group ( 18-22) Cricket and Football Players and insignificant difference was found out in Anxiety of Age group ( 23-28) Cricket and Football Players

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2021.101214

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