Abstract: The major dilemmas faced due to improper waste management include health risks to humankind and environmental concerns. We in India generates over 150,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste per day, with Mumbai being the world’s fifth most wasteful city. Yet, only 83% of the waste is collected and less than 30% is treated. According to the World Bank, India’s daily waste generation will reach 377,000 tonnes by 2025. Now blame urbanization and industrialization, but the consequences of India’s megacities producing tonnes of waste are tangible and troubling. The unprocessed waste contains different types of solid waste like metallic & organic material, which can be used for recycling and composting purpose. As it’s very necessary to segregate the solid waste with a more efficient and intelligent approach. The robots are very much capable of doing such things on behalf of the human. Robots are easily programmable to do such tasks. By using the robots, the reduction of manpower will take place with the prevention of human contacts with chemically hazardous substances. Robots use technologies like artificial intelligence & machine learning to achieve such a complex task. These technologies empower machines a smart understanding to think like a human being. By developing such understanding for a robot, we can assume that in the future a robot can take place of the human in such a place of work where humans suffer most physically and mentally.
Keywords: Computerized, Machine learning, Solid Waste, Robotic Arm, Segregation, Microcontroller