Abstract: To track the massive spike of the cases in this pandemic situation of corona virus or technically known as COVID-19, we decided to create an Android application. This corona virus was first discovered in China and then from there it started spreading all over the world and to track the record of the cases, deaths and recovery we decided to develop an Android application. This application was developed to spread awareness in our country (India) about this situation. This app provides the information about the COVID-19 cases, the confirmed cases, the total deaths, total recovered patients and the active cases in our country (India). This app shows the above mentioned details of our country (India) and the foreign countries too. Even this application shows the state wise information. All the symptoms and the steps to take against the corona virus is available in the application. Red zone areas and the helpline numbers are available of all the states of India. This application provides the live information of cases in numbers.
With this application the people will get aware of the situation and even they can check whether they are in the red zone area by searching in the application. The users can see the active cases, total confirmed cases, total death, total diseased people, and total people who fought against this virus and had won (recovered people) of all the states in India and even get helpline numbers of all the states. We have created this very simple and straight forward application which make it very easy to use and its UI is user friendly easy to understand. All the provided information is perfect and accurate. The information provided in the application is taken from WHO (World Health Organisation).
Keywords: “Corona Virus”, “COVID-19”, “Cases”, “India”, “Awareness”, “Pandemic”