Abstract: Farming is the most common occupation in India. As agriculture is incredibly important to feed the nation that has huge population. Nowadays, when it comes to farming, the sophisticated methods and automated machinery that are taking the world to new heights have lagged. Either a lack of knowledge about sophisticated tools or their unavailability contributes to the poverty in farming. Our Aim is to make a website by offering a variety of agriculture-related information on its website, BHARAT-AGRI has been established to improve farming. It will help the farmers to improve their productivity and profitability. Bharat-Agri is a modern farmer updated web-based application which will be helping farmers to get connected to an Agriculture center expert directly. Our application can help to make farming practices much more comfortable, predictable, confident, and profitable.
Keywords: Internet of Things (IOT), Smart Agriculture using IOT, ESP32 board, Soil Moisture Sensor, Water level Sensor.