Abstract: Nowadays, many organizations do the business form one level to another level. They do the business through the different agents and organizations. With the increment of the business level the storage and transmission of the data via one place to other also increased so in the middle may be any user can leak the data. Our main focus is to detect the guilt agent who has leak the Sensitive data. Information leakage can be referred to as the unofficial move of arranging data from a server area to the outside world. In those papers, it describes the appropriation model for data leakage counteractive action and chooses a document allotment plan with minimal cover between the sets of records of the clients, as a result, it can detect leaked sources with high probability. Sensitive information in organizations may be company internal policies, money related data, individual charge card information, and organization-related data, this type of sensitive data can be a leak by a malicious user. Information leakage leads to a major issue for various organizations. In some Data Leakage Detection model used the ‘fake objects’ which are store in the server database. The fake objects help to identify the user who has leaked the file. Every user has a probability to leak the file which probability is called the guilt probability. Those users who have the probability to leak the file is known as the guilt probability. Many models of detection of the data leakage focus on the fake object which is including with the database to find out the leaker.
Keywords: data upload, data download, unauthorized access, data leakage, malicious user, Role base access control.