Abstract:  Food is a fundamental requirement that gives our bodies the nutrition they need. Given that food grains are being adulterated at an increasingly rapid rate, food quality is the most important thing to be examined. The current quality assessment process is laborious and prone to human mistake (unknowingly or intentionally). This will have an impact on the farmer who depends on the farm for his daily sustenance because they don't receive a fair price for their years of combined labour. Additionally, Manual Assessment promotes the adulteration of food grains, misleading consumers by combining inferior grains or compounds that mimic grains while generating high margin profits.

Keywords: Grain adulteration, Pre processing of image, Brightness equalization, Edge detection, Image segmentation, Feature extraction of image, Color feature extraction, Classification of Extracted image,Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN)


PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12207

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