Abstract: Logistics is a global supply chain network, it involves many stakeholders such as brokers, raw materials providers and so on, complicating the end-to-end visibility. In the present system, Security is the biggest challenge faced by Internet of Things. In logistics system, when the parcels are delivered from one warehouse to another warehouse the code is entered manually by the data entry operators, it is time consuming and it may lead to any fraud activities. And if there is any delay in the delivery of parcels by the truck due to breakdown both the company and the client will not have any knowledge about the delay.
Inorder to overcome this, in the proposed system, Blockchain and IoT are combined together which help to enhance the reliability and traceability of the network. This helps the customers and the logistics company to get the exact information of the product. As Block Chain is decentralized, it helps in reducing the bottlenecks as we don’t need any certification from the third parties . The concept of IOT is used whose components are applications, gateways, processors and sensors. From the collected data, application block is utilized and for sending processed data to appropriate location gateways are used. And sensors are used to share data to its nearby actuators. Integrating block chain or distributed ledger provides security for the Internet of Things. The major elements of this project are the QR code or barcode scanner Arduino board, Impact sensor, and the GPS module. All this information is stored on cloud database and is retrieved as and when required from the admin monitoring application.
This project presents an attempt to implement Blockchain, Iot and Cloud computing technology to reduce the risk in regard to fraud or to deliver right products by live Monitoring of products by using QR code or Barcode details on products in carrier to ensure security of the products.
Keywords: IoT, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Decentralization, Immutable data.