Abstract: Water scarcity is a significant problem that many nations worldwide are dealing with. A mechanism for monitoring water levels has been created to prevent water waste. This system wirelessly communicates water level information to registered users while autonomously detecting and signalling water levels in reservoirs, overhead tanks, and other storage containers. People could desire to automate their chores in order to conserve energy and increase productivity. Water levels are frequently checked with ultrasonic sensors, which use high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations to detect the level of liquids or solids. These sensors are installed at the top of a tank and send out waves while simultaneously timing how long it takes the sensor to receive the return signal. For the internal study of water dams, household/society water tanks, and municipal water towers, the suggested solution proposes to use a webserver. It can be difficult and time-consuming to check the water level in these containers. The project also aims to solve the problem of water waste. When the tank is full, individuals frequently fail to turn off the motor, wasting water. The water level monitoring device may be used to keep an eye on water usage and levels, which will help cut down on water waste. A water level indicator is used to find and show the water level in an overhead tank or any other water container. In this work, we outline the NodeMCU-based design of a water level sensor device. A water sensor detects the water level, an ultrasonic sensor produces ultrasonic waves, LEDs display the water level, and a computer monitors the water levels. The level of any liquid in any application can be monitored with this highly effective circuit.



PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12482

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