Abstract: Technology is beneficial to a mankind. Internet has become one of the daily basic needs and everything is just a click away where everyone can work with much ease. Moreover, the website has become most popular platforms which can be used in businesses. It helped to increase the sales opportunities and perform numerous functions for the individual to bring more comfort and convenience in their way of living. Support System is one of its kind which can help to support every individual inside the college campus. This was mainly developed to address the problems being faced by both the staff and student related to repair and maintenance of facilities in the college campus. The population has been increasing every year with the increased intake in each programme and this has helped in making the situation worst. Though the complaints are raised and informed to the concerned person, they tend lose the track due to no systematic way to keep records. In the worst case, they forget about it and the problem remain unsolved for a longer time. This happens due to the manual process being practiced in current scenario. With the system, all the resident of the college can be able to complain or raise their issue from system thereby bypassing unnecessary procedure like in manual process. Moreover, the concerned person can see the issue through the system which can help them to keep track of issues being solved and raised. The paper presents the technical aspect involved during the design and development of the application.
Keywords: Website, Application, System, Laravel, Complaints.