Abstract: Poverty and unequal distribution of wealth is a monumental issue that still awaits a proper solution. Poverty is prevalent all over the world. If we talk about the US, one of the most developed countries in the world, we again find poverty. The ones mostly subjected to poverty are the ethnic group of African Americans and the Native Americans.
According to the 2020 census, in 10 states of U.S[1] where the majority of the African American population are found, 19.5 percent of African Americans living in the United States were living below poverty level, Native Americans have the highest poverty rate in the U.S, with one in four people living below the poverty level [2].
This Article would thus chronicle the cause behind the penury of the African Americans and the Native Americans. The percentage of people living in penury has been highlighted here. The origin of the extreme poverty levels depends upon their literacy, violent crimes, self-employed income, and community population. Data has been analyzed through Multiple Regression Analysis(MRA). The proposed model is tested on the “Communities and Crime Data Set” from the UCI Machine Learning Repository: which is available at https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/communities+and+crime . We evaluate the model using 50–50%, 66–34% train-test splits and 10-fold cross-validation.