Abstract: WSN is made up of a wide amount of small power units called nodes that execute sensing, information collection, computing, compression, transmission operations. Much emphasis has recently been placed on improvements in WSNs by developing new methods and methods for attaining energy efficiency and improving lifetime. Since the network is restricted in terms of power, energy, and computing capacities, these need to be addressed effectively. In WSNs sensor nodes with inadequate battery capacity are positioned in wireless sensor networks, therefore use of energy is a key concern in a WSNs. Efficient use of energy has therefore become a fascinating study area in WSNs. The Clustering and gateway approaches remains the effective way to improve the WSNs lifetime. In this paper we proposed the hierarchical routing scheme is in the function of limiting the energy consumption of the network and extend the lifetime of network. In which we generate some nodes from the deployment of sensor nodes as a gateway node in the last section of the routing protocol.
Keywords: Cluster formation, Cluster head nodes, Energy Consumption, Gateway nodes, Hierarchical Routing protocols, LEACH, Leader Nodes, PEGASIS, Wireless Sensor Networks, Two-level routing scheme, Three-level routing scheme.