High levels of androgens in women produce polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a collection of symptoms. PCOS is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental variables that are frequent illnesses that are commonly associated with atherosclerosis, hirsutism, acne, and hyperandrogenism, as well as persistent infertility. According to recent studies, approximately 18% of Indian women suffer from this illness. Doctors manually examined ultrasound scans to determine which ovary was damaged, but they were unable to determine if it was a benign cyst, PCOS, or malignant cyst. In this research, DCNN-based algorithms are proposed, and coding for PCOS classification is produced in Python programming, and they are filled with blood or fluid using ultrasound pictures. To classify PCOS in the dataset, the study uses DCNN-based image processing feature extraction. That is, the research is conducted utilising a trained dataset of the same PCOS-related disorders.Finally, the test dataset is used to perform feature extraction and assess accuracy using performance parameters. If not recognized and treated early, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can lead to infertility in women. The transvaginal ultrasound machine is a non-invasive means of examining the human ovary in order to show important aspects for PCOS diagnosis. The key characteristics that distinguish ovarian pictures are the number of follicles and their diameters. As a result, PCOS is diagnosed by manually counting follicles and measuring their diameters. This procedure is time consuming, labour intensive, and prone to errors. This research examines a variety of computer-assisted strategies for detecting follicles and PCOS diagnoses in ovarian ultrasound pictures. Some of the earlier works' performances are identified and compared. Finally, new research directions are suggested to address some of the identified constraints.