Abstract: Disaster recovery is a field of security planning that targets to protect an organization from the aftermath of significant adverse events. In this paper, we will do the scrutiny of Disaster Recovery methods in Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure. For any user the application developed must be available at all time. Application that is not available for a second may cause extensive complication for the business and also ruin the status of the company. For the continuity of any application the company need to have recovery plan. There are numerous cloud providers that offer service called as disaster recovery. Many of the companies get puzzled or bewilder in choosing the right provider that can match their system needs in case of any disaster. We will look forth in this paper that, how a disaster recovery process minimize the impact on the data of the application and in business operation. The management must determine the relevant events that can cause disasters and figure out their impact. They need to be firm with the goals clearly, decide suitable disaster recovery plans to choose the DRP that would be most favorable. The key parameters that need to take into consideration are basic cost, the amount of data transfer and the rate of data storage. To get the rate of uncertainty, we need to get to know the type of the disaster. Disaster maybe caused naturally or by some human errors. Cloud computing has moved to a new level of preparing for IT disasters by furnishing secondary environments for backing up and restoring data and failing over business applications. These disaster recovery resources are worthwhile and straight forward to set things up. Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are two of the top providers in terms of disaster recovery solutions currently.
Keywords: Disaster recovery, AWS, Azure, DRP, Cloud Computing